
  • I did not know him

Through mother I did


I heard some long stories

Some far~fetched fine glories


One terrible old gory


This was one of those days

In a ditch along their field

His tractor tipped over

He missed his noon meal


Trapped amongst metal

Silver blades always doing

Green grasses grew rusty


Scared cows kept on mooing

Hour 22: Crack

The would bustles here

Always moving quickly

Missing small things

Like life growing in cracks

These small flowers fighting

Living where trees gave up long ago

Living where most grass is fake now

Surviving even when no one cares


Okay now I am caught up again and I can finish this thing!! (I say with little confidence since I already fell too asleep once.

Flying while pained

Baby steps aided by flexeril
and hydrocodone, backpack
weighted for counter balance.
I wait in line to pass through
security, guzzle the remnants
of my Nalgene water lest they
make me “dispose of it.” As if that small
amount of water could bring down
a plane. As if they could stop
it. Remove your shoes, laptops
in separate bins. Empty your pockets.
We all have it memorized since 9/11.
Boarding passes come on phones
now. I’ll bet no one predicted that.
Baby steps to the lectern. Baby
steps through the line. Slowly,
slowly. Baby steps to Terminal B, to
the gate. Courtesy check for my
rolling luggage? Yes Ma’am. Solid
tip. Cool of flexeril rolls down.
There and back again.

Mount Olive

Mount Olive


I saw a sign at the graveyard, Now Hiring:

Sales professional. But who would want to work

there knowing you’re the cause of more Dad,

you’re the coolest balloons floating in the wind?


There’s an app for that basic function the replacement is cold…

Metal that is, never tired never old.

The response for that question from a prompt in a chat on a screen

and the thing most needed is to have someone to look at the  problem with eyes keen

Sometimes the swift option is secure. Still there is something about  the irreplaceable human spirit that will endure.

There is something about a smile, there is depth to a touch, there can be healing in an embrace, there is so much that only another can do.

meant to reduce errors and increase efficiency. Understood still I would like someone to talk to me.



On the rooftop there was a patch of grass

A tree


and a bench

On the street there was nothing green to be scene

So rather than be grounded I head to the top of the world

Just to breathe.

jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon

Hour 21: Cats

Small and soft

Quick and sharp

They can love deeply

But hate deeply as well

They like to be the center of attention

Unless you give them too much attention

Or try to pet them too much

Fickle loyal creatures these cats


Yay one more typed up. I writing everything in a notebook before posting. So I had to write up a few quickly before I started posting to get caught up again. But I now am (just one more to post).


From window pots to garden plots

forgo the cemetery, for if you’re wise you’ll make your choice

trees, flowers, fern and berry

We have recomposition and Capsula Mundi

because we are more civilized

We choose rebirth straight from the earth

over metals that won’t soon die

Our concrete jungles weren’t friendly, our carbon footprint we be-moan

now some of us have found a way to give back the life we have on loan

You’ve seen it in the alleys, in the broken bottle mess

You’ve seen it in the subways, and everywhere’s else, I guess

Our streets are much too crowded

Buildings codes eschew

We dreamed there was a better way,

I’ll bet that you did too!

Nature finds a way, you see the flowers poking through

the cement of the broken sidewalk,

That flower could be you!

Upon a new horizon your future will not waste

decay is not a fail-safe that complies post-haste

With a promise of release

from rust and ranker in the cold

You’ll rest with perfect peace

in gardens made of light

when you choose

our sweet respite,

a field of kindly eldritch delight !





Just a thought (19)

A single thought
and then it floats away

A thread
weaves words
and people
until no one remembers to water it.
Then it quietly fades away

A train of thought
calls you aboard,
then swoops you off and on
to a new adventure.

I’m off to buy a ticket!