And now

Just me and you

Without hesitation

Nothing in the world but us

Me – You



The joy I felt

The way you looked at me

No one mattered but us two

You – Me


I live

I love, I give

Everything is for you

You are my life, you have my heart


Hour 20: God of Light

One would think he should glow and shine

If you meet him you would guess shadows are his

But then he makes a lamp shine

And that’s when you see

He starts glowing down deep

And then the light spills from him

Almost like it was waiting to escape him


Woo two more to type up and Im caught up again. I did forget to say the last poem I found my own prompt just like this one. Sometimes you need something else to get you going. 

My Human

For the simple cost of amusement and protection

I get a home, food, entertainment, and a servant.

I am amused that they think that they are my owner.

Not one time have I ever had to scoop their poop.

It’s a good gig, though.

Worth it for me to be loyal.

I love them. I think I’ll keep them.


jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon

Prompt 28: Techno Bug

How you so delight a child?

Crawling there in smartness.

14 legs and 4 antennae.

Navigating darkness


Sniffing for a pal,

Armored for a fight,

Rolling up into a pill,

Roly Poly might.



Urban Garden

The city roars far below with a savage metal rhythm,

And on the sidewalk it’s casual cannibalism

As men devour and bury each other to survive.

But here, home, vines twine in cages and pots

And dream maybe, in a vegetable way,

Of places beyond my metal cage home,

To where the fog isn’t smog,

And the animal cruelty and claws

Are without the human bite.


The bus stops beside the concrete footpath,

The rain thunders down on the grumpy teens,

Who were forced out of bed at 7 a.m. by their damn alarms,

The town has been engulfed by a thick fog,

The weather warning was the first thing I saw this morning

I get off, my school shoes immediately absorb the water,

I let out a low grumble, sipping my coffee,

It taste like dirt,

At least my day can’t get any worse,

I text my friends first,

Tell them to save me a seat in the canteen,

Hour 19: Ruins

They stand more crooked than a wall should

They have crumbled and fallen

Those great walls that once towered

Now bowing to time

Like the lords to their king once here

These ruins just a shadow of the past


Soooo I thought I had set an alarm to get up again and work on these. But either I turned it off and stayed asleep or someone in the house turned it  off on me. But I’m still going and I didn’t miss the end of the whole deal. So I can catch up and sleep once Im fully done.

Personal Tara

Do you remember Scarlett from Gone with the wind?

Tara was running through her veins and she

never gave up! I’d love to have her strong will

and the unique capacity of reinventing myself!


The call of the land was so powerful,

that it saved her life! That’s why this quote

perfectly applies to her: ”the land

knows you even when you are lost”.

Don’t hide the madness

I hear Ginsberg in whispers,
“Don’t hide the madness.”
Okay, Al. Shall I let it
yoke me so I can pull it
around the square, flies sticking
to my cheeks, vertebrae wailing
for reprieve? Shall I let it
choke me until my eyes bulge
to get The Greatest Distance
when the madness finally dislodges
and launches skyward for all
to see? Shall I make of it
a joke to tell the masses
from a brightly lit stage, crooned
into a microphone so no one
sees it for what it is? Shall I
relinquish control so you may
poke me with it in an angry gash
until my cries turn to snarls
and my eyes glow red?

We don’t take ourselves too
seriously around here.