Hour 22, Savage

Vines now cover the once shining city,
walls of greenery over concrete.
Owls nest in parking garages,
hawks on skyscrapers,
bald eagles on the shores of park ponds.
Deer graze in door gardens,
run to seed and melding into one.
What happened to the graceful lines
of award winning architecture, none
now are left who can say.
Stone lions in front of the libraries
are overshadowed by zoo prides escaped.
The people are gone, but life will go on,
nature trumps nurture after all.

Mind Over Matter

Would it have been worth while,
To have bitten off the matter with a smile,
To standby and go the extra mile,
To do as told, as though I were a child.
Would it have mattered one little bit,
To have acted unscathed by all of it,
To have hidden a candle that was already lit,
To have the capacity to stand and yet sit.
jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon

Opening lines from: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock BY T. S. ELIOT


Lush green fields
Swaying with the cool breeze
With sun shining bright
Like gold it shines

But does the sunshine spread evenly everywhere?
I doubt!
And so, rely on the technology
These robo@fields do an awesome job
Believe me or check it out for yourself –

“Spread the sunshine
Get it aligned!
All will have it soon
For it all is thine!

Come out of disguise
For, the summer is to rejoice!
Grab some solar energy
For, you don’t have a choice!

Now get back to work, you are our slaves; remember!
Before sunset this must be done,
For, after that, you be down!
And I will be helpless.”

2019 lryical pantoum 2 : Iron and wine “Pagan Angel”


love was a promise
slowly floating in the sea
tight against her hollows
among the angry cemetery leaves

slowly floating in the sea
a beautiful feather floating down
among the angry cemetery leaves
My love is one made to break every bended knee”

a beautiful feather floating down
pagan angel, of iron and wine
My love is one made to break every bended knee”
I’d hint to her every possibility

pagan angel, of iron and wine
love was a promise
I’d hint to her every possibility
tight against her hollows


Amanda Potter©: 2019 Poetry Marathon

The Night is for Sleeping

When I was a child
They always told me
The night is for sleeping

When I got older
I discovered
That wasn’t the only purpose

The night is for secrets
Told in the dark
Not to be burned by the sun

The night is for love
Whispered behind closed doors
So no interloper can encroach

The night is for music
Winding through the night
Wrapping everyone up in its beauty

The night is for dancing
To beats that we hear
To the tune of each other’s heart

The night is for dreaming
Deep dark dreams
Our best hopes and worst nightmares

And that is the only reason
As far as I can see
Why the night is for sleeping


Careful consideration
Facts only
Wisely choose
Although emotions and intuition real
Do not presume

Thoughfully and cautiously
Consciously as we are

Human beings, be understanding
Be not assuming as far

Respectful of our individual ways
Our different lives more in common than not
Appreciate the intricacies
The similarities the thoughts

In love and life and learning
Need not presume
Communication clears and builds bonds to grown on
To know one

FTW (2019 Poem 22)

What a surprise to find you here
Though where you came from isn’t clear
All alone, seemingly aloof

Hiding from the common people
Over here by the church steeple
Lurching on this concrete roof

Sugar maple for the win!


When you see more
Experience less

When you scroll more
Read less

When you talk more
understand less

When your real friends decrease
Virtual accounts increase

When you eat more
Taste less

Then you are on a journey away from nature
You are doing something wrong
Because then you are living less…

Hour 22: Honey Hive

Honey Hive

Oh perfect, coordinated machinations

Colony in tandem, unison

Self-regulating, cultivating, communicating, replicating

Glowing hexagonal precision

Electric buzz of glass wings

Over factory conditions

Yellow gold waxen beauties

Building the future