Love Is Not Love

love is not love

when it demands reciprocation

begs or bribes


love is not love

when it manipulates

demands or commands


love is freely given

with hope but not expectations

a heart laid bare for plunder



Good Morning Poem

In this morning new,

I seek to find my power,

Through Universal perfection.

Open my eyes so I can see ~

That my life is  joyous and complete~

Fill my body with strength and ease,  with all the powers that be.

For this beautiful morning I see,

It matters not if there is sun or rain,

The universe fills me with blessings that remain ~

That sets my spirit free…

C. Burgess (c)

Skye Missive

There’s never been a worse time than too late

Ever after nothing matters the past has passed and will not retreat

no matter how you entreat

implore beseech begdaughter

on knees, clenched fists

the tears of salt and blood

I failed to be your savior

even now I admit you would despise the sentiment

strong willed, brilliant mind and a heart of pure..

I can’t say the word.

Its just a stupid word.

I have been a gore-mand and yet I’m so afraid, so keenly afraid and so morbidly attuned that I fear

I am a hypocrite, for all the detestable scenes that I’ve attuned myself to

and yet a word runs like a ice through my spine and drips like acid from my core


the gift of life and the element of my insanity

it took you away from me and I cannot reconcile that

my princess, my love, my pride and my joy and many things that words can only cheapen

yet I’ve tried to write it all down for you I ran out of time I never got to say Goodbye

and even if I had, it would never be enough

You were destined for greatness and still kept an open heart

If ever was created a being near perfection it was you my dear

I never was quite good enough, I could never measure up

I failed at giving and loving and especially protecting

I ran out of time to say all the things I needed to tell you,

how proud and satisfied and mesmerized of you I truly was

I’ve sat down to write you this letter many dozen times now and I can never get through it

either the tears or some strange belief that admitting it would make it true,

even though it’s been years since I’ve seen you



(Hour 18) 15.30pm-16.30pm. PROMPT, Form, epistolary poem

Dear Rueben,

Even though it seems : the world has imploded : I just want you to know : I am still around : & I am going to find you

I’ve met someone : who’s helping me : (you’ll like him I think) : & we think : whatever happened : water protected us

So I’m hoping : you were practicing : your anchor impersonation : in the deep end of the pool : when the world went weird

Stay hidden : stay safe : we’ll back everyday : for the next week : at 3:15pm : just as if I’m collecting you : from school

We’ll see each other : soon : little bro : I promise

Love you to the stars : & beyond

Dear PaPa (An Epistolary Poem, Hour 18)

Dear PaPa


Dear PaPa,


I’m sure you didn’t mean it, but you scarred me for life.

When we were little children, we’d climb in the pickup with Daddy

and drive to your house. You kept the pantry full of Little Debbie snacks,

and every time we’d visit, we’d eagerly wait for that magic moment

when you’d smile and turn us loose in the cabinets, allowing us to chow down

on your stash of brownies.


When I turned ten years old, battling prepubescent pudge

and already chunkier than all the girls my age, we ventured to your house.

Unwilling to wait for your permission, I asked if I could have a brownie.

Looking me up and down disapprovingly, you sighed, shook your head,

and asked, “Do you really think you need it?”


I was crushed. My lifelong struggle with my weight had begun.


I remember how every Christmas, you’d give each of us grandkids a crisp new $5 bill.

Until the number of grandkids exceeded the number of dollars you had to spare.

I didn’t understand why the money suddenly stopped.

Didn’t you still love us?


Fast forward a few years to somewhere in my teens. Mom and Dad

needed a night out, and feeling unable or unwilling to trust me,

they left us in your care. Watching TV with you, we passed out on the couch.

Believing we were asleep and the coast was clear,

you changed the channel to a raunchy boob flick,

Private School.

Pretending to doze off, I placed a pillow over my face,

turned my head to the side, and secretly watched through the crack,

thinking you were none the wiser.


Until I felt you pull the pillow from my face,

sigh and shake your head.

“If you’re gonna watch it, you may as well sit up and watch it.”

Embarrassed beyond measure once again,

I awkwardly did as you said. 

You were the grown up, so if you said something, it had to be right.



December 1992.

Dad drove to your house to check on you, then called home in a panic.

He couldn’t wake you up. They rushed you to the hospital up the road.

The family came and went, all hours, day and night. Dad refused to leave you,

and I refused to leave his side. The next sixty some odd hours are a blur, traces of faces

and voices, trails of shared laughter and tears. The last time Dad and I went back to see you,

I didn’t know what to say. I saw my Daddy cry, which he never did,

as he held one of your hands and I held the other.

He said his “I love you” and I squeezed your hand silently,

hoping you knew I meant the words he spoke,

I simply had no strength to utter them.

A single tear fell from your eye.


That’s the last thing I remember.


I’m so sorry….

I never said I love you,

or I forgive you.

Or even thank you,

for the many things you taught me in life,

both good and bad;

for creating my father,

making him the man he is,

who in turn made me the woman I have become:

a lover, a fighter,

a stubborn headed survivor.


I love you, PaPa.



(An epistolary poem is simply a letter written to someone or something. It can be serious or humorous or both.)

Hello Butterfly

Hello butterflies
Filling the skies
Like dandelion petals blowing in the wind
No particular place to go
Just fluttering to and fro
Untamed and wild a show again
Of certainty
The pattern furtively
Winding and gliding to it’s own whims
Hello butterfly
There are no passersby
There are only friends

Prompt 23 and 24, Hour 19

Pick a poem that you wrote earlier in the marathon and then write a companion poem for it. The two can be closely linked and even share a title, or a riff on the same title, or the poem can function independently but explore the same ideas from a different direction.


Pick one of your favorite poems by another author and then write a poem as a response to it.

The two can be closely linked or your poem can function independently but explore the same ideas from a different direct. You should reference the poem your poem is a response to at the top of the page.

Dear 60-year old lady

You think you are still 35
You are not
At least you don’t shop at aeropostale
Or try to sport a belly piercing
Or faddish tattoos
And what’s with the cleavage??
Your body is stretched out
Your face sags, along with the
Other parts
You limp from hip surgery and get stiff when you don’t move around
Two-piece,I think not
socks with sandals, NO!
Just be your conservative old self and no one will care.
25-year old girl


Outside my running car

freezing, from home far

left early to beat a storm

only now my key is safe and warm


In 96 it tortured me

frantically trying to get in, you see

a blizzard brewing high and low

a manager helping but no-go


Angry, finally getting in

driving home, no snow within

and now I fear I’ll be trapped again

inside a frozen drift – no-win


Scared now, road barely seen

ice caking on my windshield thin

on the ground, no trace of green

I ponder, amidst the motor’s din


When finally I make it home

another trap assaults my bones

within abode I’m caught, dear me

without those staples I need to BE

and days it stayed that way … three!


The blizzard of 96 it was

but not so free of slush because

now snowplows push street-snow in

both car and me are stuck again.


-Sandra Johnson, 6/22/19

So tell me

So tell me love

did your fingers blister

when you snuffed out

our flame

was there remorse

the day after next

of when you realized

your side of the bed

was cold and empty

I often wonder

play that day back

Stuck on repeat

with those words

I wanted to say

with the words I needed to say

with the words I’ll never get to say