Dear Brother cum Friend

I know I drive you crazy,
You too, sometimes are fussy…
To me, you still are my li’l baby

You know we both are choosy,
Cheer up and take it easy..
I am sorry, I say frankly!!
So do mummy and daddy!

No matter how much we are busy,
We’ll always make time for you silly!

It’s Your 21st, You’re lucky..
We’ll make you fell special, do not worry!
Now do not frown and don’t be angry…
Get ready and let’s party!!

You naughty boy,
We Love You,
Be Happy!

Coz You know……..


Prompt 22/H18 Dear Mr. Man

Dear Mr. Man,

I hope this finds you well, up there in your high tower
Untouched by our unrest. Blessings and peace upon-

Oh, who am I kidding, let’s start again.

Dear Mr. Man,

How do you sleep at night?
You never do what’s good or right,
You blame it on the poor, whose life
Is already quite full of strife.
Do you truly expect me to pull myself out of debt
Without committing a crime, even if it’s just perjury
I would still go to jail.
I would still get a fine. That I can’t afford, unlike some that we know.
And what could I do about that? It just goes to show
You want the poor to stay poor, and the rich to get richer
You want everything to happen faster, quicker
Fuck regulation, you say with a grin
Is making this money really a sin?
Well, I’m sorry, dear sir, but you are quite wrong.
I only wish your convictions were just as strong
As the money that holds you up in your chair
5000 feet away from the people down there
You believe what you’re told, never arguing a bit
And quite frankly, dear sir, your opinions are shit.
Money talks you fat bastard, but that’s about it.
You don’t know a thing about life without cash
I’m pretty sure if you did you wouldn’t burn it to ash
Arbitrarily as a child, that’s all you are to me.

A worker in a poverty-strewn city

Dear Sanity Hour 18

Dear Sanity,

We have reached that place again

The hours grow late

The words jumble into something

I don’t even understand

Each year when we do this

You question me and my motives

Last time you packed your bags

But you returned, I’m glad you returned

This time I see you in the shadows watching me

Seeing me banter back and forth

With the computer, the cat and

the snacks which have replaced my husband as my companion

I know its difficult

It always is when poetry and lack of sleep are involved

But I like to think we have come to an understanding

We need each other

And although I abandon you often

Especially in these creative endeavors

I do need you.

You get me through those long reality filled days

Try to understand

It’s only temporary

It isn’t permanent.

Poetry helps us keep our relationship

I need my space away from reality

From the day to day

We will get through this night Sanity

You and me

We will sleep in tomorrow

We will find our bearings together again

Just hold on a little bit longer

You won’t regret it.

Hour 18: A Memory

My first heart break I was told

Cry as much as you need but remember

Soon they will just be a memory

In that moment it seem a lie

But soon enough I’d moved on

And each young love was the same

New memories from young pain

But then you died

And the pain felt a lot older

I wasn’t ready for you to be a memory

To only remember hugs and laughter

But you keep my memories bright

Even through missing you


I’ve been noticing this year I am skipping a lot of the prompts… Hmm I must be very picky this year oh well. I am still here and still putting out poems and that is all that matters at 1am!!


I’m sitting here

Trying to write something

The clock is ticking

And my head is spinning

Trying to be creative

But nothing is coming

My words are falling flat

I’m wondering if this is all I have?

EIGHTEEN (quatrains +)

I was a good girl till I turned eighteen.

After graduation, I turned loose, if you know what I mean.

Not so much “bad” but wild as a hare,

Staying out all night, drinking too much, never backing down from a dare.


Life was fun then, moreso than ever before

I turned off my inhibitions and dove in for more.

A different concert every night, a different couch every day,

I forgot the meaning of work, but not how to play.


Not sure how I made it through this time,

Living my life in no way sublime.

God must have a purpose for keeping me alive,

Because I did everything in extreme overdrive.


But man, what memories I have!


Most of our seniors are lonely

They’re craving connection


Or just plain interaction.

They live in these buildings

With people they don’t know

And we call it their home

But home is not just somewhere that you go

It’s the feeling of being safe and warm

It’s the people you call family

That urke and encourage you just the same

These homes we put the elders in

They’re lacking the human element.

So concerned with sanitation

But missing the key of sanity

Health is not hard to maintain

When the focus is on good relationships.

M’s M and M’s and M (or Marci’s M & M’s and More…..or Mouse!)

M’s M & M’s & M?


Marci had a sweet candy dispenser

Eating chocolate made her feel less tenser

She filled it with M & M’s

For herself and friends

And occasionally some for her sister.


Till one day when Clayton stopped by

Marci offered a snack he could try

Thought the chocolate looked dandy

He refused all the candy

Leaving Marci wondering why.


He gagged and he started to choke

As he pointed to the furry bloke

That had managed to climb in

And proceeded to dine in

On chocolate pieces with colorful coats.


It’s an obvious conclusion to say

The dispenser was emptied that day

Along with that mouse

One greedy fat louse

And some M & M’s to eat on his way.


Poem 18

Dear Ones Who Raised Me,
In times of turmoil
You have held me,
Not asking for words
Or demanding answers,
But listening.
Just listening.
Sometimes that is enough.
For when words fail,
Love is there
To pick me up
And guide me.
I am not perfect
And neither are you,
But you have shown me the love
Of the One who is.
Now as I lie here
Wondering why I am awake at 1 am,
I can truly say that no matter what
I have been loved
Fully and unconditionally.
Thank you

Dear Future Starla,

Dear Future Starla,
don’t forget.

Don’t forget the priceless advice
given to you by venerated mentors,
or the joy that brought you to tears when
you earned their approval.

Don’t forget endless laughter
brought on by countless movie nights
stretched into the wee hours of the morning
with the friends who know you best.

Don’t forget the fear you felt
the day you decided to plant both feet
and start running toward your dreams
at full speed, finally allowing yourself
to take that chance.

Don’t forget the adrenaline rush
the first time you rode your bike over
expressway bridge, and realized that hill
could not stop you, much less any other obstacle.

Don’t forget the emotions that have
allowed you to be fragile, exactly
when you most needed that vulnerability.
That emotional person is the truest
form of you. And you are at your best
when she takes the reins.

When you are emotional, something amazing
will surely be the result.