Prompt 22, Hour 18

Write an epistolary poem: A poem that is a letter to someone or something. It can be to someone you actually know, a former version of yourself, or even an abstract concept like death. The title should start with Dear and then be the name, or thing you are addressing. For example a possible title could be “Dear self with bangs and glasses”.


Sent to pick up a very important person
The assignment treat with reverence and concern
For safety and well being
While traveling, gathering teaching, talking and learning

On the road
Off the phone
Far from home
The chauffeur arrived all alone
Prepared to pick up and take on
The passenger ready in the zone

The interior was impeccably clean
The exterior shiny and gleaming
This ride more than what it seems
On going

This was destined

The chauffeur came to protect
The mirrors in place to reflect
The steering to accelerate was set
The passenger entered

Cleansing Storms

When the summer sky rumbles with thunder

and darkened clouds roll in the skies

and lightning tears the heavens asunder

and the rains come down with soft reprise


We witness the world washing things away

sometimes the things we know are taken

in the violent and stormy display

It leaves us frightened and shaken


This fear of losing the familiar that we accrue

holds us prisoner in a world of our own doing

without hope or thought of ever starting anew

all the while knowing of our eventual undoing


Bound to you, I cannot see the future.

Where am I going, where have I been-

those are questions you answer willingly,

quickly doling out responses, no hesitation in your voice.

What do you see? A body bound by you.

Kept close, tied tight, like a gift ready to be opened,

but only by you.


You keep me this way, easy and so calm,

a t-shirt and jeans, so casual and benign.

Not a worry, we’re just playing.

Is this practiced nonchalance?

I don’t know. I can’t tell anymore.

The trust has been eroded, because I was the one bound-

and blinded by my love.


So easily you slipped the ropes around my arms,

the blindfold over my eyes-

because I trusted you.

Then I found you lied.

Yet, I’m bound to you.

The refrain is sickening, it’s a chorus of poisoned sparrows,

poisoned arrows, poisoned darts.


Oh my heart-

the decadence it craved,

a crazed soliloquy,

tempered variety.

I gave

it all 

to you.



The night was dark
Moon lightening it up
There were no houses on the road
Close to midnight
I walked alone
Adventurous soul inside me
Pulled me outdoors
While looking at the moonlit surroundings
A light flickered from afar
I didn’t want to go
Still kept walking
Smoke was coming out of the chimney
Smell of fresh bread engulfed me

A knock on the door
And I was let in
The adventure ended up
Finding new friends
And making delicious bread…

No Free Ride (H17a)

sticky feet
tap out the beat
of the box that someone left

who’d driving this bus?

precious cargo
on laps
the rest on floors
between feet that help them stand
up straight.

who’s driving this buy?

you pay your fare
pull the chord
and exit to the rear of the bus
but not before it comes to a full stop.

Full Stop.

Did you remember to drive the bus?


Dent-de-lion or taraxacum
boasts a beautiful yellow flower

but watch it closely and you’ll see
it turns into its power

the yellow “teeth” begin to dry
and then they turn to fluff

a seed that flies with wind and then
they float to needy spots

to plant themselves within the dirt
and boast how quick they’ll grow

just watch and see the lion’s tooth
And soon you’ll have to mow.

Poem 18 “Savor Today”

Savor today


bright exquisite vibrance
whirling twirling energy in shades of fall hues
embracing life
 it shows!
it glows through you.
you don’t have to do anything
beyond being you
for it to glimmer through
so dance!
choose the eccentric eat the chocolate
laugh at the wind caressing your face
and never shy away from mud puddles.
remember the child
that befriended life
and enjoyed without hesitation
choose that same lush, happy  bouquet of carefree
and remember to savor today.

Dandelion (prompt 21, Hour 17)

Dandelion. The wishing star of flowers,
ripe with ballerinas standing on their toes
to touch your center. White tutus starched and
standing out to catch the wind, they break free
and sail to where wishes come true,
where their feet can land in the earth,
where they become golden flowers when they age.
What do all those wishers wish?
Wishes are hopes, and we all need hope.
Only you and the ballerinas know.
Bloom on.