Hour 17: Cloud Field

A whole field of clouds

Waiting for a strong wind

So they might travel the world

Starting out as a big full cloud

Soon enough

It seems to lose the fluff

It shrinks and shrinks

Till there is no cloud anymore


I liked that last image of the close up of the flower. I had fun with this one. 

The Fare (H17)

Tucked inside
Yesterday’s folded news.
I spy.
A kneeler
A Crossing
And watch him drive the bus.

You pay your fare
and pull the chord
And exit to the rear (which isn’t the rear as much as the side)
but only after we comes to a full stop.

Full stop.

Do you know, who’s driving the bus?

Ever Forward, Hour 16

One foot follows the other
Path obscured by blowing sand
Forward, ever forward
Pushing into the unknown
Destination indiscernable

Nothing but a bearing
A compulsion to maintain momentum
Knowing stagnation leads to breakdown
So keep moving forward, ever forward
As long as this body allows.

Guided Path

Along the path to enlightenment,

we encounter life’s highs and lows.

Mere survival and determination become a mantra.

Acquiring the physical and mental strength

to surpass primitive understanding.

Guides tend to periodically download pieces

of a mastered blueprint into our memory.

Bound by songs of redemption,

we tend to rest but not sleep.

Through the days, months, and years with limited tears.

Resurfacing anew breath of light within our soul.

Embracing the balance of self

as the fallacies of the world unfold.

End times

It’s not what Nostradamus said

even revelations are unheard

the world, I fear is ending near

with bullies, rapists and people smeared.


It starts with just a tiny cracking

with morals and manners lacking

scandals, sex and drugs abound

rotting each and every town.


Each flood that drowns, erodes the earth

and fires burn our homes to dirt

earthquakes, landslides kill within

and hurricanes, tornadoes always win.


With each and every shooting spree

a hurt explodes inside of me

a murder here, a kidnap there

each sin becomes too much to bear.


A man in tatters holds a sign

the end is near, the truth shall rhyme

just one more crime may be the crack

in this tired Earth’s breaking back.


-Sandra Johnson, 6/22/19

Blinfold Mask

In the spotlight, everyone is watching.

A silhouette of a human.

Only a loving smile can be shown.

Dare to look me in the eyes?

An image sold for your viewing pleasure.

A soul giving itself to you, for a smile.

Standing alone, she is, frozen in time, listening, watching, waiting; the mask is removed.

Who Are You?


Sometimes I wish I could be a bubble

Be a beautiful iridescence

Keep my rose-colored glasses on

And ascend ever higher

But for all their shine

They are temporary

And I am not.