

A complex system of phalanges, muscles and nerves

Graceful, dexterous, strong

Brittle, fragile, frozen

Basted with invisible snowflakes

These fingers have pinched flames

But fall prey to frostbite

I do not want this manicure.

Secret Lover (Poem #17)


It’s all I feel with you

It’s like going to the beach

Listening to the waves crash

The wind blowing through the trees

How did I get here?

How did I deserve you?

What did I do to earn this?

What do I have to do to guarantee you staying?


You’re my secret lover

Things go wrong

It’s ok

I have peace

Someone does something against me

I forgive you

I have peace

When I am with you

Peace is there also

Yet peace is not only my secret lover

But she is yours as well

Hour eighteen: Portrait of the Tinman in love

I know that our drunk slowdancing
to the rent soundtrack does not mean
that you will leave your boyfriend,

but the wizard said it would stop the echo.

You are a parcel of sawdust I keep
inside the tin can of my chest, an empty
weight to remind me that I know how

to fall in love. maybe the only story we get

is the way your forehead leaned
against the flat place on my collarbone,
the way we almost kissed, but you

pulled back at the last moment. I could have

burst into tears right then, but didn’t want
you to know that I’m a little less than human
these days. I’ve been cleaved in half & left

to rebuild from the scraps I could find, but I know

you are just a placeholder, the one
who really could have loved me if timing
had been better, if your sawdust heart

weren’t lodged in somebody else’s chest.

The Dandelion Seeds

The Dandelion Seeds

Ready to fly, to be carried away by the wind

The white fireworks of seeds

Selflessly sway to the dance of the divine

Happy to be there, happy to be here

To allow wind to softly blow a touch

They know not their destination or survival

There’s no sorrow or joy of parting

The dandelion seeds revel being carried away like brides

Gracious in their moment of reckoning

Bold and immortal


Hour 17


A Journey to find yourself

In this journey
You may lose some people
But you will find better ones
The ones who trust you, believe in you
And know your worth
You maybe seen as someone arrogant
But know that what they call arrogance
Is nothing more than your self esteem
They may consider you selfish
But it is self love instead
And when you know you are right
Believe me your are halfway your journey of finding yourself

17 – l go on

l gaze into the red hot sun

wishing to be by your side

my eyes forced closed

light flickers behind my lids

a rainbow bouquet in your hair

my lips move into a gentle smile

my eyes remain dry

l will always miss you

but l can go on now

a new life, isn’t what l wanted

but it is what,l  have to live.



As kids we would hold dandelions

beneath each others chins

somehow fascinated by learning

who liked butter


dandelions going to seed were

fun to pick, blow on

scattering their fluffy countenance

to the winds until some

adult said to stop it because

all they were were weeds


then dandelion wine was

all the rage

for a time

neighborhood restaurants

feature them

in salads


holdout hippies and

art fair merchants

weave them into headgear

elevating the dandelion to

victors laurel status


times were simpler

when we were younger

though now the simplicity

lies in seeing what

has always been, letting go

with a poof of breath

on downy seed

prompt 19: the end

the end

The farther away we get from our Mother,

the more of Her we break


heap with hatred.

We demand our desires be filled

at Her expense

at our peril.

Our wounded egos filled with all manner of things

to feed our starving souls

made obese on all manner of images made to make us blind,

hate our neighbor,

deaf to the weeping willows begging us to remember our beginnings

when love made us all.


When love made us all,

we could not know our destruction did not hide in darkness or hate

but in greedy indifference.


(c) r.l.elke

Monthly Pass

The best and the worst of humanity comes out on the bus
A microcosm of camaraderie, solidarity, cultural exchange, ethnic strife
Whether the people up front move out of the way and help fasten down an old woman in a wheelchair
or everyone yells to the driver if someone is running up about to miss their ride
or some tom clancy looking dickbag decides to chime in when a black woman smacks her kid- boy that was a loud one
besides them it was just me and the driver and neither of us were getting involved in that shit
But it’s more good than bad, we’re all locals
we’re all stuck here
we all sort of get along
Like when the whole bus was roused in a discordant chorus of ‘that’s what’s up’ when we passed the construction site of a new Popeye’s popping up in town
I said nothing but I did nod knowingly
Popeyes is the bomb, screw KFC
New warning signs were put up; now in English, Spanish and Hanzi
Since the population from mainland China has exploded in recent years
they’re foreign students and they’re locals too
it’s almost like we live in a real city
an oasis of Tech Money in the middle of Nothing Nowhere USA
almost makes me proud to live in Illinois
My car broke down, it needs a new starter
and some medical emergencies prevented me from ponying up the cash
so I’ve become one of the bus regulars and I’m starting to blend with the rest of the weirdos
I wonder if everyone learns everyone elses’ schedule or it’s just me.
A group of guys file on every day, all kind of gimpy and weird looking,
I think they all stay together in assisted living, they’re a riot.
The other day they piled on board from the park and they had gas station hot dogs, and they lead a chant, stomping their feet, singing some song that I didn’t understand
as badly as I wanted to join in

Some old man stepped on and said one thing to the driver:
“cubs are looking good this year”
the driver replied, “mm hm”
I think that exchange sums up the bus.

Hour 17, Mystified

I peer over the shoulders
of strangers, a tourist
in my own body.

Am I here?
I ask myself,
nonexistent until noticed.

No one turns back,
meets my gaze,
and sheepishly glances away.

Their attention is focused
forward, to a future
misted and glazed
into indistinctness,
a mesmerizing smear of colors,
pierced at times
by muted headlights
swimming toward me
and veering away,