
Gritty eyes and cotton mouth

Ache when soft rain patterns

Past the steel skin and windows,

Bus coughing tired fumes to

An equally worn sky.

And we’re all nodding to the tune

Of stop and go, stumble and yawn

To a cool blue monochromatic theme.

Heads loll on shoulders, spines slump

And the rain softly streams,

My head dips, and I dream.


All The Colors [Prompt 21]

  1. It was me!

All the colors …

All the pain;

All the blood, tears and laughter.

The Artist saw me,

through and through …

Who was this man?

or woman?

The name on the art…

only had initials.

Was it that day?

The day in the Park?

When I let my soul bleed …

my heart dream …

my wounds be visible,

to only the artist who could see?

He or she captured that summer day;

when the yellow shone in my red locks.

Or do I just see me …

As the artist intended?

Does every patron see himself?


Artists create life …

or do we create the artists?


Board, shake your umbrella dry.

Find a seat.

Voices drown out the trickling rain.

Streetlights illuminate the bus, casting shadows.

Strangers squeeze together.

Everyone wearing Hot Breath No. 5.


Germs disperse like a smoke bomb, touching me.

Don’t think about it, you’re fine.

People get on and off, more germs.

My mind wanders.

The seat I sit on, who was here before me?

Breathing becomes harder, my palms sweat.

I rock back and forth.

Let the bus move me.

Hearing everything in triplicate.

And then boom. 



down under the moon


you feel yourself changing?


clothes off then grow furry


marks your territory




Yellow blossom.

White seeds with wings.




Dandelion orb

Seeds fly to find fertile ground

Determined to live



They call you a weed.

Telltale yellow face in grass.

Dandelion grin.

Hour 17 – Homeward


Rain splattered window
Heading home after work
I rest, letting the bus carry away my worries
Letting someone else steer for awhile


There she stood

Alone in the nave

Needing to talk to the Lord

The colorful glass

Helped her be brave

Like some modern-day Joan with a sword.


See Real


Ingredients blend

Whole modified freshness


Yellow contains

Traces of questions


Distributed acids

Provide battle protection