Revisions for Submissions

Hey so I had sent in my submission for the anthology. My poem Cafe Writer from hour 6 is the one that got in after my revision. But I thought I would post both of the poems I had sent in for submission. I had a hard time choosing poems to work on and I had liked Cafe Writer a lot when I first wrote it and Text You Close I had fun writing so I ended up picking those two to send in.


Hour 6
Cafe Writer
Words slipping free of my pens.
Stories unfolding from depths of thoughts.
Stretching to fill the page.
But my stories are left half done.
Pen unsure of what is coming next.
All action gone to calm quiet.
The hero losing the need to save.
Story frozen and left in a file.
My eyes glance around the cafe.
Everyone living a story.
Maybe some writing new ones too.
Some also only getting half down.
Not able to finish the story.
Maybe the end is too sad.
Or it became too cliche.
Or maybe I am the only one lost.
Hour 23
Text You Close
It’s weird to miss you.
Since we were never that close.
But we got closer before I left.
Something was different.
We started to talk.
We shared something others didn’t.
This side of me I haven’t told my friends.
You understood me in a way different from others.
I wish we could actually sit and talk in person.
But being able to text is better than not.
I will just keep texting you closer.

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