You’re amazing!
I know I don’t tell you that often,
if at all, but really, you are!

I don’t do you justice, and I’m sorry.

I tire you out
and not let you rest,
but you just keep going,
and keep me going.

I don’t tend to you on time,
and sometimes I forget to feed you.
But you just wait patiently
for the next meal
and rarely complain.

I don’t give you enough credit,
but you’re strong
in that own unique way.
You’re complex,
and that makes you beautiful.

Every now and again
you impress me.

Thank you, body,
For taking such good care of me.

4 thoughts on “10

  1. Ohh what a wonderful twist !! I never expected that really. I thought you were talking to a baby or a pet. I loved the endings of some other poems of yours. I think that is an outstanding feature of your work . Hats off !!

    1. Thank you, it’s really my thing, I love spending a lot of time describing something specifically, but ambiguously enough, and only revealing it at the end. I’d like to think of that as one of the characteristics of my writing 🙂

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