hour 8. 4:34 PM.

do people even read anymore?

i remember staying up in third grade
using the brightest flashlight in the house
flicking on the switch and hiding under the covers
and jumping into the world of percy jackson.

do people even read anymore?

it’s such a shame that so many people of gen z
don’t read paper books anymore. like, come on!
they’re cradling their kindles and ipads
and other are just looking at sparknotes.

do people even read anymore?

for real, guys, you’re missing out. i’m gen z, too. i get you,
but seriously, there’s nothing like the feeling of sitting on the couch
and enjoying a cup of tea with a real book, be it fiction, nonfiction, whatever.
just put your phone away for a minute and try it, please.

do people even read anymore?

i’m hoping the answer is yes.
i hope that you’re hoping the answer is yes, too.
i’m hoping that the answer is actually yes.

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