There is no denying

somewhere along the line

I missed something.


With book in hand, I survey the doctor’s waiting room.

To the left of me, they’re playing games on their phone.

To the right of me, are texters and sexters,

moving their fingers rapidly along the keys.


You know, the keyboard, that some of us cannot SEE.

Outside the room someone is yelling into their phone.


I look to see if anyone else is reading a book.

You know, you remember, the thing that is made of paper.

Nope, no bookers or magazine readers.


I secretly mourn for the paper mills and wonder how long paper will last.

So I stow it away, fresh reams of paper. My secret.

I’m embarrassed that the tech world has surpassed my abilities.


I can’t tweet on twitter

or pin at pinterest.

Face, FaceBook

or download an app.


I’m officially a dinosaur

no techie meckie

a throwback








4 thoughts on “HOUR 5

  1. Glad you’re here with me. Dino’s should never be alone around technology. 🙂

    My electric went out. I was worried it wouldn’t come back on. You would think they would have all lines buried by now. DUH!!

    If it happens again, you will know why.

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