

Her tummy kept rumbling
She was so hungry
Indeed their poverty was grinding
She wondered at how to get money
What could generate money to feed
Her eyes alighted on her children playing
Her eyes shone with excitement
Her heartbeat quickened
Yes, she finally had the answer
To her solve her problems right before her
Her kids! They were sellable!
She made the connect
And sold her children, her flesh and blood
Her bundles of joy, literally
For 300,000 thousand naira
A whole lot of money, she thought
That would solve her problems now
And the problems hereafter!
What to tell hubby?
She’d cross the bridge upon getting there, joor!
Afterall, there’s nothing new under the sun
And so the deal was struck
Her kids handed to whom she wist not
For the price was right, she wist thought

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