Prompt 8, Hour 8

Emoji Poetry – prompt contributed by Jennifer Faylor

Look at these emoji versions of poems and write a poem by translating one of them back into verse. You can deviate from translating at any point if a poem takes off in a different direction, or write about the concept of or your experience with emojis instead. For additional inspiration check out one of Stephanie Berger and Carina Finn’s emoji poems here.

11 thoughts on “Prompt 8, Hour 8

  1. Here we go!

    By Sandy Lender

    The seven of them dubbed Success a “ragged tiger”
    and harnessed it for decades
    through multiple iterations of the band
    Using any and all forms of media
    to push a quality product is smart promotion
    Musicians and marketers ahead of their time
    Still reaping the rewards of groovin’ bass lines
    beneath movies made-in-paradise
    with lyrics that make you cry when you listen right
    “Ten thousand screaming fans can’t be wrong”
    And watch out when those fans grow up
    to become journalists
    and teachers
    and social media influencers
    with a built-in distrust for hoity toity music critics

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