Dear former lover

Dear you,

years ago I unraveled

you slowly crushed my soul

I dreaded time away from you

you stenciled yourself into my life

and erased yourself when I became more than a easy decision

heartbreak made me weigh seven pounds less

I lived for years in the thick of it

i never saw myself as strong

but you did

i was too small in my existence with you

you rolled me like a monster

blowing kisses to others behind my back

until one day your lies could no longer corrode my organs

you made me bleed my insecurities away

you called me ugly attempting to make me small again

I was no longer starving myself

The absence of you allowed me to fully taste the flavor of what learning self felt like

i had to tend to myself with care

cusping small victories

without fading into the background

Ive always been the underdog

searching for moments worth savoring

You are not one…



I am whole again.

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