Tree Hero

It was her job to watch, keep record of the destruction, but not interfere without an explicit ordered to do so.
That was why she was asked out and not something else.
She’s at the Dozen feet off the ground, settled into a fork of a tree branch, blending in with the Shadows.
Her Keen eyes watched as only Paces away, the humans used with their shrieking, noxious machines to tear down tree after tree, chewing through the Trunks and sending debris clattering to the Earth.
They did this from sunrise to sunset, for days at a time.
She could still not understand the reason why.
The proud trunks were blocking no Road, harming no traveler, and not even interrupting of you for the humans.
Their settlements were still Beyond sight from the tree line.
And yet, they still tour plants from the roots and dragged their corpses from their home.
4 months, she had watched the slow progress of Destruction as the humans heartlessly continued onward cutting swathes through the forest.
Today, she was through simply watching everything unfold.
She didn’t care what the consequences would be.
Only that she no longer only watched the destruction.
She was going to cause some of her own.
When the sun disappeared behind the tree line, the humans left their vehicles, shutting off their loud cries and leaving them in their positions for the next day.
Instead of leaving her post and heading back to Terez,
She waited for the sun to fully set, and the Darkness to creep forward, before she climbed down and explored the camp.
There were three monstrous machines among the ruin the land.
Each had their openings covered with glass, probably for security and safety.
But by hurling a large enough Stone enough times, that glass shattered, gaining her entry.
Taking her time, she tore at the insides, smashing with The Rock and slicing with her short blade.
4 hours she worked, relishing the feeling that the destruction of the land would cease.
When she was finally done, she was covered with black vehicle blood,
But she walked home feeling every ounce of hero.

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