(Hour 04) 01.30-02.30am. PROMPT: “10 line narrative poem + 10 lines – 8 lines”

This prompt was a little complicated (aka challenging, but challenging can be good). Write 10 lines of a narrative poem. Add 10 more lines (not just at the end). Then remove 8.

I didn’t exactly stick to the ‘rules’. I ‘wrote’ two poems of 10 (each about a different Duchess of Oldenburg – there is a reason for this I might explain one day) then interlaced the two poems, alternating lines. Then tried to shape the final product so it made some kind of sense, as well as cut lines/words/phrases – as well as refashioning line lengths (let’s be honest) so I finally got to a 12 line final poem as kind of required. It was tough & took a bit longer than the hour, but I think the end result is kinda interesting, with some particularly ‘fresh’ images in parts.  NB: the ‘working out’ is also posted …

Duchess of Oldenburg

10 + 10 − 8 (+ edits).

Frederica of Württemberg was born in 1765 in Farther Pomerania
an attractive early-season baby, seventh child of Duke Frederick II
She ran medium-sized with a pinkish blush. At 16, she married
Prince Peter Frederick in a gown with pronounced streaks over green.
Renowned as a great cook, Frederica died in childbirth, aged 20,
white flesh shot with green highlights. Her husband never remarried.
Like many summer varieties, Her Grace oxidized quickly.
However, her very juicy & on the coarser side of dense, siblings
peppered royal houses of Europe; a light, sweet brother became
King of Württemberg; a crisp enough sister, Empress of Russia;
another whose mouth was full of unwieldy teeth, an unlikely
(& unlikeable) Archduchess of Austria. She never became Duchess of Oldenburg.

the work-in-progress

1st 10.
Frederica of Württemberg was born in 1765 in Farther Pomerania
the seventh child of Frederick II Eugene Duke of Württemberg
& Friederike Dorothea of Brandenburg-Schwedt.
At age 16, she married Prince Peter Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp
It was meant to strengthen Russian/Württembergian relations
At 20, Frederica died in childbirth. Her husband never remarried.
Her siblings peppered royal houses of Europe
A brother becoming King of Württemberg;
One sister, Empress of Russia; another, Archduchess of Austria.
Despite all the many titles she would never become Duchess of Oldenburg

+ 2nd 10.
An attractive early-season apple, originating from Russia
in the 18th century, and widely grown in Europe and the US.
She runs medium-sized with a pinkish blush
in pronounced streaks over yellow green.
Renowned as a cooking apple, especially if picked early
the Duchess has white flesh shot with green highlights,
very juicy and on the coarser side of dense. The effect
is light and sweet, but crisp enough, with a little yield to the tooth.
A refreshing hint of lime and a little acid, a flash of vanilla.
Like many summer varieties, Her Grace oxidizes quickly.

10 + 10 (blended).
Frederica of Württemberg was born in 1765 in Farther Pomerania
An attractive early-season apple, originating from Russia
the seventh child of Frederick II Eugene Duke of Württemberg
in the 18th century, and widely grown in Europe and the US.
& Friederike Dorothea of Brandenburg-Schwedt.
She runs medium-sized with a pinkish blush
At age 16, she married Prince Peter Frederick of Holstein-Gottorp
in pronounced streaks over yellow green.
It was meant to strengthen Russian/Württembergian relations
Renowned as a cooking apple, especially if picked early
At 20, Frederica died in childbirth. Her husband never remarried.
the Duchess has white flesh shot with green highlights,
Her siblings peppered royal houses of Europe
very juicy and on the coarser side of dense. The effect
A brother becoming King of Württemberg;
is light and sweet, but crisp enough, with a little yield to the tooth.
One sister, Empress of Russia; another, Archduchess of Austria.
A refreshing hint of lime and a little acid, a flash of vanilla.
Despite all the many titles she would never become Duchess of Oldenburg
Like many summer varieties, Her Grace oxidizes quickly.

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