(Hour 13) 10.30-11.30am. PROMPT, Dictionary. Pick an unusual word. Define it without using it.


there are many things i do not understand
many foolish ways supposedly to determine your future

you would think brisk walking
would not help you find your future
i do not understand how it helps
but nonetheless briskly walk
round & round, circle upon circle
until giddy fuzzy dizzy delirium
causes you to tumble groundwards
where you fall apparently determines your fate.

(have i said i do not understand
these many foolish future finding ways?)

perhaps your toes pointing north indicates
a long journey up a steep mountainside
i cannot tell you how or indeed whether
falling on your back, side, or front
markedly differentiates the divination
or how which why whether or whence
if your legs are crossed or arms flung wide
it likewise affects the proposed prognostication

needless to say there are

many foolish ways supposedly to determine your future
& there are many many things i do not understand

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