The Truthful Cow (a folktale)

The Truthful Cow

Punyakoti, the cow, was so truthful, she never lied,
She had had a little calf whom she idolized.
Her herd lived happily in the farmer’s care.

Once after grazing for a day in the forest
The cows were going home to be milked and to rest.
A tiger appeared, barring their way,
“I’m hungry, ” He said, “And you are my prey.”

The cows stampeded, but Punyakoti stood fast
And then she said, “I know, but let me take a last
Look at my calf, then I’ll return here to you
Then you can do what you are meant to do.”

The tiger, scoffing, laughed at her naivete
He believed that she would just run away.
She then asked him to come along to see
That she could follow through honestly.

She fed her calf, handed him over to the herd
Then followed the tiger, all undeterred.
The tiger could not bear to kill this truthful creature
So he decided to turn vegetarian, changed his own nature.

People called him Arbhuta the Amazing and forever more
This story was told in ballad and verse,
And legend and lore.

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