Upgraded Normal…

Normal, as just as a word,

Stands too relative and not absurd…

The word, thou always gets, read the same,

It’s altogether a dependency, on the various situational games…

Care free attitude, at a time was so very dear,

All of a sudden, fear just took everything all over…

A time got fixed for all the movements and transits,

Prior which was left on the individual’s exhibits…

Distance between places, always remained tame,

But now it was people, between whom the spaces were not the same…

Masks and shield took such a place over face,

As putting the clothes, on the body, to increase grace…

Houses, that limited the faces in the days,

Were now being full, with corporate to education having stopped interface…

Dependency for varied skills did reduce,

A sense of preventive, took rebirth, putting independence to optimal use…

With all changing as fast as the wink of an eye,

The word normal too evolved, bidding the older version good bye…

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