Attempt at Sestina

poetry forms a cacophony

lines and words to mesmerize

feelings more than theory

rhyme, rhythm, pentameter

In my mind, a vortex

What is this mad manipulation?


Intentional manipulation

creating cacophony

swirling vortex

Memories to mesmerize

graphical elements,shift, pentameter

feelings more than theory


feelings more than theory

syllable manipulation

sound devices, feet, pentameter

creating cacophony

rhyming lines mesmerize

Concrete poems in a vortex


Swirling vortex

feelings more than theory

Synthesize thoughts to mesmerize

word manipulation

pen strokes create cacophony

haiku, tanka, pentameter


Paradox in pentameter

Verses within vortex

Cadence or cacophony

feelings more than theory

Masterful manipulation

Internal rhyme to mesmerize


Couplets mesmerize

Palindrome or pentameter

Structure manipulation

Visions within vortex

feelings more than theory

Refrains rings of cacophony


lines mesmerize; visual vortex

pondering pentameter; feelings more than theory

masterful manipulation; clearly cacophony

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