Living with Chronic Pain

How can I reclaim the essence of my dream,

Everytime I open my eyes,my pain debilitating.

I am a survival,doing one day at a time.

I take my daily dosage of pain medication,to help me carry on.

Since I’m not in control of my pain, I hope they sympathize with my situation.

It is rehabilitating,when I choose to live, one day at a time.

The coping mechanisms is adjusting my lifestyle,

That’s why I choose to live,one day at a time.

It’s all about endurance and strategy to work at my own pace

Making the right choices,save time and energy to regulate.

Too much activity will succumb to drug addiction,

The reason why I slow down,so I could work,one day at a time.

My only consolation are family and friends,who cares and understand,

The life of a person living with chronic pain.



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