The Sun


It’s a great picture

It really is

Tall gray-stoned wall

Reaching around a sweet meadow scene

A happy tree waving at you

But the picture is over exposed

Really, the sun did not cooperate

It just shows up there

Ruining the whole scene


The sun is like that

You go to a beach

Lying in the soft sand

playing peek-a-boo with a sand crab

Who watches you warily shifting

side to side to side

When bam the the sun shows up

peeking out from behind a soft cloud

All narcissistic and hot

The sweat rolls into your eyes

The crab is disappointed because you stop playing

Suddenly you have to get wet or go home

Melting isn’t your thing

But you were having fun, the crab was having fun.



Or maybe you’re out driving

swirling around the mountain

Trying to keep your lane and enjoy the scenery

When the sun decides to come down

right into your line of vision

and the visor and your special tinted glasses,

even your trusty ever present

hand shield just aren’t enough

You should pull over or risk killing someone

But you drive anyway, squinting until you resemble

a big gerbil with wrinkles

You try your wipers, you adjust that visor

You look for an out and as soon as you get one

There it is again.

The sun just laughs and shines away

It likes you to cower under its power.


Oh sure it gives way to the moon,

the darkness takes over

The sun runs off to bother other people,

Other sandcrabs and other witless drivers

But it’s memory stays with you so much so

That you almost look forward to dawn

But that damned sun decides it owns everything

Just like that overbearing lover

you wish had just stayed away

It pushes itself back everyday like well,

that overbearing lover you wish had stayed away


We do have air conditioning and

our nicely built structures built around that coolness

But the sun just sits and waits. Always waiting

It knows you have to come out sometime

And when you do, well you know the rest.


Say you really need it though,

Dead of winter where it has been

cloaked by deep gray clouds for weeks

It just stays out of reach

Won’t even peek at you

It won’t warm you

it won’t come out to ease your frostbite

or to help you scrape that windshield.

No the sun is a bastard like that. It’s manipulative.


I know the sun is necessary, like taxes or death or jobs

I do wish had back all those nice over-exposed pictures its ruined,

If I could get back those nice cool beach days

Maybe sit and bask in a rain-shower just a few minutes longer

I wouldn’t mind so much

You know if it would just cooperate

Work with us

Nope, the sun isn’t like that

It just sits there shining and expects you to revolve around it.



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