Doubts Personified- Hour 8

The road ahead is rocky
The water’s getting deep
The trouble brewing in my mind
Is stealing hours of sleep
I don’t know if I have the strength
My fears and worries great
I keep people at an arm’s length
For none can quite relate

I never thought I’d be here
The heart within me’s breaking
I feel my soul has been laid bare
Wide open for the taking
And yet, I doubt I could e’er tell
For none would understand
The emotions I am feeling… well…
They just were never planned

How do I carry onward
As a mother and a wife
The climb feels all but cheerful
Trapped ‘neath this deepened strife
A journey of taboo regard
That no one could understand
When suddenly you have a wife
But you married a man

To wake and find your spouse is trans
What will become of me
What will become of us and more
What of our family
That I still so adore
I doubt I have the needed strength
But, still I know I must
For what she needs the most of all
Is all my love and trust

So though I doubt I know the way
I’ve faith in what will be
My family matters, come what may
They are the world to me
This road is filled with so much strife
But through each tidal wave
I’ll take each day, glad for this life
And all I have to save

Love the person, not the choice
For outer looks fade fast
Trust the souls who choose to voice
Their peace within at last
These are the mantras of my strength
So my doubt may be for naught
As each day I keep fears at great length
To enjoy the life I wrought.

2 thoughts on “Doubts Personified- Hour 8

  1. Oh my gosh, I love this one! The struggle of acceptance is real but it is so very important! And your words “Trust the souls who choose to voice
    Their peace within at last”
    Are so very beautiful, they should become a mantra.

  2. This poem is so beautiful! I cried. I love the theme of unconditional love, and I understand the fear you feel as well.
    These lines really touched me:
    For outer looks fade fast
    Trust the souls who choose to voice
    Their peace within at last
    These are the mantras of my strength
    My hour 7 Prompt: “In this Season” deals with a similar theme.

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