Long Awaited

Waiting for days

everyone waits,


or impatiently

everything is waiting

farmers, gardeners, workers

crops, lawns, gardens,



First, I shiver, just a bit  —

it is just a bit cooler.

The sun has nodded off,

the clouds no longer white puff balls.

Something is different.

On the edge of something.


Walking from the garden to the house

there had been nothing to harvest

even weeds are wilting.

hot afternoons, — how many in a row?

The first drops are too strange to recognize.

My mind is on a pasta salad,

without peppers. tomatoes, green onions.



I finally feel the distinct wet spot

on my bare arm.

Unsure, unfamiliar,

I have to double check

Is that brown ground truly speckled?

YES!    Thank you, Lord!


by Nancy Ann Smith, Poetry Marathon, June 25, 2022

2 thoughts on “Long Awaited

  1. Oh, yes, I know this feeling all too well! This is a reality, but also a beautiful metaphor of waiting and receiving just when least expecting (thinking about salad – funny!), and then the initial disbelief – because, how many other times has there been that letdown? Nicely rendered here, the role of human and nature, and how we really do not have control over this. A subtle reminder of the forces of nature and our place in it.

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