
Heart clambers flights of steps
Touring empty hallways
Between each chamber in
The enigmatic maze that is you.
Within, I had once lost sense of direction,
Curling around the flitting green foliage
Only to happen upon another stalemate
My stride to pursue trips
On overturned cobbles
Your road not traveled, overgrown
Rich in your different hues
Though in times past
Only visited by the blind-
Left untended and underappreciated
By those who understood too little of growth
And it is here I became hopelessly lost
And I welcomed it.
You quiet my mind and quicken my soul
Containing my waves like a break wall
Allowing only peace to spill over.
Your keen ear shifts
And I wonder how is it you hear me?
The sounds of my weary gusts
Tearing holes in dry earth
From my anxious torrents.
You silence my thunder and
Disperse the thick clouds of my storms.
I’ve learned from you how to appreciate
Simplicity when I forget to count the tears
With the kaleidoscopic raindrops
That once darkened the veils
Obscuring my sunflower eyes…
…and oh, how you make them bloom.
How I wish to chase your sunsets
And linger within the shadows of your twilight.
My reason to smile-your
Unparalleled character
And the blessed grace of your patience
As you tend to my garden
Sowing clarity as I touch ground
And when I feel the pressure of the winds
It’s a gentle reminder of how
I used to hold the breath
Of twisting thoughts of doubt
Until one day your stillness held it for me.

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