
Oh, how I remember

learning to make fudge with Mom.

Crisp Autumn night, no school the next morning.

Perfect time to mess up the kitchen.

Her favorite saucepan awaits ingredients on the stovetop.

Beautiful brown label box, with white and yellow writing.

It says Cocoa and above that the brand

that begins with an H, the same

as that candy that doesn’t ‘melt in your hand’,

except that it does.

In goes the sugar, in goes the cocoa powder,

Don’t forget the salt (giggles get louder.)

Next, the milk and stir, stir, stir.

Bring it to a boil, but don’t boil it over!

Get a cup of cold, cold water and a spoon.

At just the right time comes the instruction to drop.

Drop it by tiny spoonfuls until it

Forms soft (not too soft) balls in the water.

Now is when things move fast! Get a stick of butter, quick!

And the vanilla! and the wooden spoon.!!

Now Mom says, this is your part… beat it, hard and fast

Until it thickens at last. Hurry now,

Pour it into the square pan. You did grease it!?

Favorite memory… all of it didn’t make the pan!


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