____THE HUNTER____
He’s loaded with his tools
Praying to even see a hoof
He enters the darkest bush
Just to survive with a standing tooth!—
When the dew made no stay
My eyes travelled to his feet
And spied the footprints
Of his ”b)d)w 3wu”____

That night all failed
So he brought home
Not even a snail
O, mboa nyina k) atwee
Na m3y3d3n edzidzi_____

He cried out loud
The forest starves his throat
For the land goddess has dried his ”b)t)” up
Wife and children cry not even blood____

Sleeplessly they all lie
Under that transformed hut
Whiles the sun scorches
Hardly on their tongues
I can hear his songs
Sung on today’s mat
So if the hunter would knash his teeth
And kill his breath___

The same land
Shall carry him on her breast
Why not supplement his works
And double the weak steps?

For should the bush animals live in ecstacy
Wouldn’t the hunter even catch ’em
With his hands?
And spare his gadgets?
I hereby come to squat in the jungle
To only pour my ink
To clean the blood on the logs!

(C)2015 All Copyrights Reserved
Kofi Acquah