The Bride

She had picked the perfect dress

one she knew she looked damn well good in.

Her hair was on point… nails all french tips

Make up down up, damn near flawless.

Panties, bra almost cost the most out of all of it.

Heels dazzling with every step

down the aisle to stand next the man

of which she would commit her life to.

A man she knew the best of

A man that none of the rest was.

But although all was perfect in this very moment

Would it continue to be when she no longer owned it?

When the make up was washed away

Hair all knoted, sticking up straight

Perfect dress no longer fits

Nails broken and in the trash

Heels all messed up and no longer flash.

Why the worry?

Why the tears?

For the time is here to learn the truth of your fear

Lady lannae =)

(hour 7)

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