Champlain Towers

The expanse of the Atlantic,
A tin house like an aberration.
The cabana to change your clothes,
considering how to hide
your car keys when you walk
out to the ocean.

A sinkhole, a marvel of nature,
human negligence in Surfside.
We used to drive down to visit
some private school boys there.
Ronnie, who would stroke my hand
like a kitten, and called me rhyming
nicknames in a singsong voice.

Interviewed after the disaster,
Moshe Candiotti said “the building vibrates.”
He imagines its must be what an earthquake
feels like. Running down the stairs, Moshe
sees the other side of the building
Already in ruins. Ronnie were you there
at the Shul of Bal Harbour, sorting
donations for survivors, not worrying
about where to hide your keys?
A tin house like an aberration,
the expanse of the Atlantic.

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