What The Hens Taught Me

My husband didn’t like me drinking, or watching tv while he was gone.

He would feel the tv to see if it was warm and then check the garbage for beer cans when he got home.

As a result, I took to sitting in the birdcage to drink my beer.

The birdcage was small, and we had nine hens and one cock, so I had to sit under the roosting bar.

Our one cock was pathetic and the hens picked on him cuz he couldn’t roost.

He lost his toes while sitting outside during that terrible blizzard we had a couple years ago.

He was too stupid to just come inside when his feet got cold.

He did not believe that he couldn’t roost anymore because he didn’t have any toes

Well the hens tolerated him at times so their eggs could get fertilized.

So I’d be down under there drinking my beer and watching this bird fall at a180 degree angle straight down onto his head.

His ego would get so bent that he would just keep on trying to roost.

I didn’t care though, I was drinking beer and watching the show just like the hens.

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