My Inner City Classroom Pantoun

‘Round and ‘round the hatred goes

by day in the classroom, at night on the news

how or why it starts, nobody ever knows

even when it’s personal, haters seem confused


by day in the classroom, at night on the news

verbally, physically, my students are at odds

even when it’s personal, haters seem confused

ironic in their justifying, hiding behind their gods


verbally, physically, my students are at odds

they take no pains to hide their actions

ironic in their justifying, hiding behind their gods

proclaiming his protection even in fatal interactions


I intervene, negotiate – counsel when I can

verbally, physically, my students are at odds

no matter what I say to them I’m just teacher-man

ironic in their justifying, hiding behind their gods


Mark L. Lucker

© 2016

3 thoughts on “My Inner City Classroom Pantoun

  1. Sounds like our kids are from similar back grounds. Up here we call it “behaviour programs.” I have worked with kids like this – or they with me – for so long that when I teach summer school, it feels strange to be with kids who don’t pepper every turn of phrase with “fuck.” I love them and I love your nod to them here. This has inspired me to return to this form with this subject matter. Thank you for this and for all you do with kids. You change lives.

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