The Heroes Have Fallen

King Arthur and his bride
We’re happy side by side
They knew true joy
They couldn’t be happier if they tried
At least, that is what the people thought

Deep down, both were torn
Arthur the king and warrior worn
Guinevere would displease him
Arthur wanted to trust her each morn
But he was uncomfortable with her company

And so she fell in lust
With a knight Arthur had put trust
This knight was the mighty Lancelot
Performing deeds that would make Arthur’s heart bust
Because deep down he loved her more than country

The traitorous Lancelot revealed his deed
And Camelot became in need
His sins created the fall
But Arthur did not make him bleed
He offered forgiveness for this atrocity

The two lovers were now insane
How can the king in his brain
Even offer them another chance
Both deep down would desired to be slain
But instead it was the king who died

The two remained as the table crumbles
And they could feel the heavenly rumbles
And so they fled to find the monetary
Nun and abbot, they left their stumbles
In exchange for the oath of righteousness

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