America’s Past (Critical Race Theory)/Hour 4

America’s past haunts its legacy
A legacy of democracy
A legacy of liberty, justice, freedom for all men
A legacy of creating a nation from nothing
The legacy and the lie of the American dream
CRT seeks to tell the truth
To break through the glass of lies
To raise the mirror and show America its true self
A truth hidden underneath packed and padded stories
histories denying colonialism and genocide
A past built on slavery and white supremacy
An untruthful past strutted like peacock feathers
Spread far and wide, for all to see
Our nation’s leaders are not ready to come to terms
Not ready to offer reconciliation for its past discretions
They prefer to keep things secret, to hide their heads in the sand
to not ruffle feathers, to let things LIE
They’d rather die than breathe in the truth
They’d rather toot stories of the theory being racist
It would cause Americans to hate their nation
But to love is to love all of it
The good, the bad, the beauty and the ugliness
You can’t just love the parts you like, those parts that glorify YOU
America’s past wants to be told
It wants to be scrutinized and reckoned with
America wants us to love all of her
Doesn’t she deserve it?

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