The Perfect Place (Trimeric)

Having time to find the perfect place
almost demands being in the perfect place to leave.
Landlords reward good tenancy with rent increases
so paying month to month increases the urgency.

Almost demands being in the perfect place to leave,
but can a place be found perfect sight unseen
or right after it’s been vacated?

Landlords reward good tenancy with rent increases
so someone is always fleeing the scene, looking
and, finding, at the last minute, something perfect.

So paying month to month increases urgency
and everyone is urgently looking for the perfect place
even if they thought they already had it when they first moved.

4 thoughts on “The Perfect Place (Trimeric)

  1. I understand this one on a personal level. Even with me making house payments. I worry that something will happen that will kick me out of Eden. Houses are hard to find let alone perfect places. The price of being, always goes up, making perfect less so. Thank you for the perfect place you created in this trimeric poem.

    1. Thank you, willjxn. Also, it occurs to me that for at least three marathons, I was or was about to start looking for a new apartment. I’m hoping to, both, find a place and figure out what poems I may or may not submit, so I appreciate the comment on this one.

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