Melody of Inspiration #3

Repeated sonorities of my existence reassures me, my world is full of promise.
The melody of inspiration comes with the rhythm of syncopated strokes of time.

Frequencies moving through time are the notes, I hear to invoke my passion for life.
The overtones of humanities song is written with anticipation of peace.

Relax with the beat that flows as crescendos rise, occasion for higher vibrations.
Life is a gift and with gratitude syncopation will make you tap your feet; tip your hat.

Move, modulate, vibrate with expressions of sincere hope of a shining night.
Lift, love, leap into the dance of forgiveness, elevate victorious bliss.

Contrapuntal melodies inspires like the heart beating to tunes of harmonic space.
The silence counts too, with out it becomes noise. Every stroke of the cello’s bow.
Bows to it audience with ears of submission.

So it is my way to understand. I to have a place in this world.
The melody of inspiration is how I hear the music of my soul.

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