Song of Devotion (Hour 22)

Tendrils grow out from you,
entwining me like your prisoner;
you are the one crime I ever committed.

Tentacles grope out of you,
guiding me as I sail through dim lanes;
you are the illumination I ever desired.

Tapestry hung out of your wall,
decorating my thoughts as I envision;
you are the image I ever sought.

Tenderness wafts out of your soul,
enabling elasticities as I walk;
you are the song I ever wished to sing.

5 thoughts on “Song of Devotion (Hour 22)

  1. Ofuma, I would never have put you down for such a romantic, and yet I got misty eyed by the time I reached
    ‘you are the song I ever wished to sing.’
    Such a beautiful read this was. Thank you

  2. Perfect description of the glorious madness that is true love …” you are all the illumination I ever desired”, you are the song I ever wished to sing.” Gorgeous lines. Love the tentacles …we are indeed helpless in its grip, no? Beautiful.

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