Gigan Style Prompt#8

Gigan Style


First Platoon boards the Huey, sickly smell of sweat and death

elbow to elbow we sit cramped in the narrow compartment


hot, sticky air like a sauna grips us in its wet claws

rotors spin, air rushes through the open doors

but no relief is felt from the hot, breath of the dragon


gnawing fear grips each man as the bird lifts off

taking us to places we don’t want to go


the green canopy is now below us concealing them but not us

we land at the LZ, bullets snapping and popping as we emerge


the encounter is short, bloody, cries of wounded, silence of dead

First Platoon boards the Huey, sickly smell of sweat and death




gnawing fear grips each man as the bird lifts off

are we headed back to the firebase, home, safety from the enemy

safety from the fear and death and sweat



Hueys flying the wrong way, new orders issued

on to the next hot LZ more fear, death and sweat

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