
Hello Fellow Half Marathoners (and Marathoners):

I really wanted to do the full marathon, but I cannot fathom staying up all night with all of my other responsibilities, namely work and family.

I currently blog at, a personal blog themed on the mistress–what owns you, and teach English Composition at the local community college.

Though I have been a writer for my professions in the past 25 years, I started writing for my passion only in the last year, beginning with my blog. I submitted my first work for publication–a poem–about six months ago and it was accepted. Since then, I have had several creative non-fiction essays and another poem published on various sites, blogs and journals.

I blog every day and try to post a poem or two a week so that I have raw material with which work and refine, perhaps for a book in the future. In the meantime, I love to write poems, a few of which are actually not bad 😉

I am really looking forward to this challenge–to squeeze the creative juices to their maximum–and to commune with others on this excursion.

I ran a few marathons with friends and made some long lasting memories. Hoping to do the same here.




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