hour 23 by this light held slowly

by this light held slowly

the universe opens up to the heart of all that is

in the soft hands of darkness

waiting for dancing to stop

so the fullness of this moment can be realised

for those who have forgotten that

when we slow down the songs of crickets

they sound like opera

and when we hold the light of fireflies

they show us the universe.

r. l. elke

6 thoughts on “hour 23 by this light held slowly

  1. I love the last lines! A poignant reframing:

    when we slow down the songs of crickets

    they sound like opera

    and when we hold the light of fireflies

    they show us the universe.

  2. Ramona, you paint with words. I love how you come full circle beginning and ending with the universe. The last four lines keep me spellbound:
    when we slow down the songs of crickets

    they sound like opera

    and when we hold the light of fireflies

    they show us the universe. This is enchanting! And this has my vote!

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