hour 24 most at home

in the silence of my mornings

pen in hand

i write the dust from my heart

to make my world whole and filled with love


after the ugliness of the unseen

has left its mark on my heart.


those early words on the tip of my pen

frees the pain

and heals the wounds too small to see.


r. l. elke

13 thoughts on “hour 24 most at home

  1. How delicately precise and moving. The beauty of this poem is in its minuscule detail and in the work that you undertake to ‘write the dust from [your] heart’ and make your world beautiful again. Stunning work.

  2. This is beautiful Ramona. You have such a beautiful way with words, imagery and phrasing…”write the dust from my heart…” My heart, this is lovely! “Those early words on the tip of my pen frees the heart again…”. This is so wonderful and heart opening…a pleasure to read! Thank you!

  3. Beautiful and well written
    Especially love the line
    “to make my world whole and filled with love


    after the ugliness of the unseen

    has left its mark on my heart.”

    I appreciate the ending too, it is hopeful.

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