The Way Out

The only way out is through through the depths of a lifetime of emotions denied across the threshold between then and now carrying memories, hopes and presence into the light.  

Hour 17 – Geoff the Great – Image Prompt

Oh, what’s this? Visitors beneath the mountain? Through still waters, they approach Don’t they know whose territory they encroach? Hm, bipedal, but no matter, They will crawl in time. What alien creatures They may be, I will make them mine. The scientist had warned them,…

Hour 17 – Manticore Slew Dragon – Text Prompt

Creature with a mane, front claws that maim Cloven hoofed hind legs, goat stomach but not head A fire brews within it, its tail is scaled and hisses The original, the monstrous maven, the chimera craven None could fight it save its brother, a beast…