Text Prompt- Poem 14 The picture that speaks volumes

The picture that speaks volumes The forms of travel on our roads The beauty of travel on our green Emissions and CO2 very low Cars parked for trains slow Power bikes to save congestion fees Power bikes for efficiency in delivery seize Bicycles to travel…

Shoot for the moon

When I was in elementary school they told us to shoot for the moon and you will land among the stars what I heard was that I should expect to fail And so it was confusing to me when my mother got angry with me…

Image Prompt-Poem 16 The rainbow in the sky

Image Prompt-Poem 16 The rainbow in the sky The clouds on fire like a carpet The evening felt like yesterday journey The caravans had left the park empty Children voices is all we could hear The talks carried on but all we wanted was supper…

Sipping Joy

You showed up at my door with a smile and a quick kiss I sipped joy all morning, as I tasted your name.

He Is Coming and I Am Here – Hour Eighteen

“He is coming and I am here” – The Time Traveler’s Wife. He is coming and I am here A reunion long in coming He’s finally back on US soil Back with our family again He’s safe, he’s near, he’ll be here soon He’ll meet…

(Hour 18) 15.30pm-16.30pm. TEXT PROMPT: moment of joy

glad day don’t ask me how it’s happened : because i don’t understand : & confess i remain : skeptical : but apparently : a message : has arrived : via the survivors’ underground network : a hodgepodge of crystal radios : gossip & tall…

The Way Out

The only way out is through through the depths of a lifetime of emotions denied across the threshold between then and now carrying memories, hopes and presence into the light.