First Hour

Early morning, in the quietness of my mind, I see your luring light as the yellow lines pull me towards you. Still relishing in my unvarnished thoughts of you, pure honest The leftover night air begins to lift as I try to wrap this goodness…

Pen to Paper

Pen to paper, It begins. Words flow. Mind seeks. Doodles sprout. Perfected phrase And rhythm found. The marathon begins. The blank pages End.  

Words Matter

Hasten to listen like grass springing after a rainfall Hear every utterance Words Matter   Refrain use of a quick tongue before action seems foolish For what is said can thud like stone Words Matter   Relieve stress allow bitterness to not inhibit your mouth…

Earwig ho!

No more planning, no more waiting, No more frantic breath-abating, No more standing in the line, No more checking off the time, No more nervous fretting, No more not-just-yetting, No more crawling time, Now the time is flyin’! Now the racers Set the pace. Get…

Hour one post. Atlantis Ruined

Tridents clash, And rocks they smash In the depths of Atlantis Deep. Leviathan and his kin Making ruin of it. Scaled and scared An old war dog, Brains waterlogged Vengeance in mind For his time Ridiculed by mermen. Poseidon answers When trumpets sound Calls his…


In such a narrow margin, close confined, Between the crushing depths and empty space. This thin, sustaining band where life can grow. How perilous existence is for fish. PROMPT: Set underwater. FORM: Unrhymed blank verse.