Text Prompt- Poem 10 Our Dog Bingo

Our Dog Bingo Was a hero He was full of valour A strong confident of Alsatian breed He brought our family joy He was very playful He will be remembered because of his bravery He protected our family He became a Guard dog He became…

Prompt Three: The City (NYC)

LOS ANGELES THOUGHTS Dirty big city  . . . It shakes . . . Rattles . . . Lived there once . . . Make that twice . . . It has good points . . . When it’s not shaking . . . It’s…

Celebration of Life (Hour Two)

Celebration of Life I was taught to mourn and grieve. Birthed into the physical world, with a goal of transitioning back into consciousness is frown upon. I was taught the gates of heaven would not be open to me. Released into the purest from of…

#8 Nonet for Babka

Babka prances, carrying a box proud to have captured cardboard prey the evisceration brief loud ripping and chewing so satisfying yet so simple and bloodless hunter quenched

Ode to the harvest

Harvest grain glows burnished bronze, in the sun’s warm glow The tall proud stalks, crowned and tasselled bow to the passing wind. The wayward wind ruffles their heads and gently passes on. I hear the rustling of gossipy leaves, as they draw near one another,…

Poem IX: Palettes and Paintings

The colour of modesty is rouge. It is the shade of the clouds as it witnesses the consummation of two skies; The colour of your thoughts on my skin; Blossoming roses when I sigh your remembrance to the winds; my palms pressed in prayers for…

The call

I feel the pull, hear the siren call Of books that push me into free fall, No sense of fear, or time or place In ocean abyss or the depths of space. I meet mercenaries, tyrants, a bloody pirate Delve into a psychotic mind and…


Dark street at night, a circle of light, An arch like nothing I’d seen before, Was it a portal, a wormhole door Leading to somewhere else in the cosmos? I froze. I did not think to run away I was seized in the grip of…

Children of my mind

Children of my mind, you are no less Than the children of my body. You are the creations I’ve laboured over By myself, needing no friend or lover (Parthenogenesis). Deep in my subconscious lay the seed Of what you would one day be. You have…

Prompt #12: nonet

Chipmunk nonet ~   Today I watched a chipmunk savage my sunflower seedlings, digging with furious claws at the seedling pots snuffling up an errant seed like cocaine. No wonder no sunflowers ever sprouted! Instead, one chipmunk grows sleeker emboldened and sunflower fed. I watch…