I hope…

I hope… I hope that I get moved into my apartment before the end of this month I hope that I get things done at work before I get kicked out I hope that I manage to earn my degree within the next three years…

#24th Hour

Well, well, well, hour 24. I hadn’t thought of what to write. I had no plans for 24. I didn’t know if I’d use any poetic devices. I didn’t know how I would form my prose. I just wanted to celebrate as I wrote this…

Hour 24 – Hope is…

Hope is… something I always write about. In fact, in a quick search, I used hope in three poems in the last 24 hours: here and here and here (And seven times the last time I did a Poetry Marathon. And, on my blog, don’t…

HOPE – #24

Taunting fate It opens the door to expectancy something may happen something may not Still, we indulge in magical thinking The illusion of omnipotence fronting a positive outcome 

Hour 24

hope is what we choose when the world is consumed in chaos when all our dreams are charred and the only path is through change hope is the only choice  

Days Begin and End

A perfect way to begin the day, I pray to GOD ALMIGHTY I extend my arms and open my hands and submit to the Man upstairs. It’s the perfect way to end the day I pray to GOD AlMIGHTY.  

Just my Opinion

In my opinion there are some who confuse love with other emotions and such; things like obsession, possession and control. None of these things are components of love. Love has nothing to do with hate or the devil. I do not believe that there is…

Message in a Bottle

The sun alights the horizon as waves crash onto shore, throwing their wet blanket onto the sand, and then pulling it away again. Each time the water recedes, a small bottle is revealed, tossed and jostled in the chaos until it finally is left behind…


Let life be not all about hate; after all we are not balls of fire. We are all children of God even if we don’t believe in heaven. It’s easy for most to hate and hard to love because of what we’ve been through. But…

The Change Of Heart

Hour Two Rays of sunshine pierce through the fabric of hope like hot daggers searing cauterizing the wounds of winter’s blush melting the ventricles of a heart’s cold season when the chamber doors had closed like an iron fist. A heart that beats with filagree…

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