Ideal Reader

My ideal reader must like Tamora Pierce, Terry Pratchett, And Josephine Tey Though I don’t write magic, Or comedy, or mystery; yet These are my best fit. I think my audience will be small.   Form and prompt: Write a sevenling.

Death By Chocolate

Chocolate will be the death of me Dark and decadent, full of magic and mystery Tempting and teasing me with sugar and spice See how it coats and cradles tiny tasty bits of fruits and toasted roasted nuts? So evil and addictive, a dark and…

Hour Eight: My stupid obsessions

I hate all the thoughts that keep me awake because my mind refuses to relax taking my body along for the ride long after I have closed my eyes Because my mind refuses to relax I toss and turn and worry and fret and strain…

Hour Eight. We need…

We need a change of pace. We need a new found place, In our hearts and in our minds, Of our own fashion and design. We need a revolution but it has to start In our own self and in our own heart. We need…