Hour 8: Tracking Shadows

( from music prompt at YT: Max Richter “On the Nature of Daylight” https://youtu.be/rVN1B-tUpgs?si=xsBUL8uLRS2Yi8gR )   :Repeat: I watch the way light flows -over flagstones -over walls -over water Catches my attention at odd times And when it does I sit, remembering. And think, and…

Hour 4 text prompt – Unity

Your challenge is to write a poem about the topic of marriage, without ever using the word marriage, and while also ideally avoiding the words spouse, husband, and wife. We started off with promise a love so deep it conflicted With every other chiding adult…

Chang, Frank; Unsplash

Hour 3 image prompt – An Isolation

Perhaps merely lonely The griefling sought out like Perhaps merely lonely They stole a yellow bike Perhaps merely lonely They hid in a dark alley Perhaps merely lonely They set a monster free Perhaps merely lonely The monster ran amok Perhaps merely lonely And by…


(Being 44) I don’t know  Neither do you nor the dog Perhaps the dog knows   You work away I spend my days  torturing myself   Lost in the lack of you Lack of me Something is amiss   I feel guilty You have acquired…


Caught upon the sewing A thread is found as I stitch together My heart- Not knowing I had pieced away As you hurried off Soap bubble of rainbow illusion Popped Leaving behind only traces As it dampens my skin a circular film of what it…

2020 Prompt One (1): Mom

Mom Has Gone She left some time ago… Where she went, I don’t know. Her body remains, Her voice she retains… Yet, her memories are gone, And sadly, so his her song. Mom was a singer extraordinaire, The loss of her breast, …just one; It…

Dear PaPa (An Epistolary Poem, Hour 18)

Dear PaPa   Dear PaPa,   I’m sure you didn’t mean it, but you scarred me for life. When we were little children, we’d climb in the pickup with Daddy and drive to your house. You kept the pantry full of Little Debbie snacks, and…

How Could I Forget June the 9th (A Nonet…. Hour One)

 June the 9th (How Could I Forget?) I finally filled the calendars Birthdays and anniversaries Occasions to celebrate Flipping through the pages It occurred to me What I missed Most was YOU             ***True story: when I finally sat down…

Of Innocence and Consequences (prompt 23)

Probably I could have done something differently. Can’t we always find a way to blame ourselves? It’s hard to reconcile when one person is finished but one is still bound in place by the memories. They were good memories. Full of life and joy. Perhaps…