Nearer #2023poetrymarathon #prompthour5

Deep in the night I heard it ring The doorbell, soft and quiet. A few nights later I heard it again Insistent, strident. The next time I went to the door Peeped through the eyehole At a dark empty landing. Yet again when I heard…

the mirror

on my first birthday my father gifted me a hand mirror my mother kept it in my nursery and as I grew, it grew with me at five, it was hung on the wall across from my bed I saw my face as I slept…

We finally met And the sky turned pink Butterflies all around And in my stomach too! The downpour from the sky above And rolling out of my eyes too It’s okay to cry! For the sky is doing that too! We sat there for a…

Ceci n’est pas une parapluie

Magritte whispers, “Those are not umbrellas.” He is right, of course. Those are souls that have been liberated from the confines of hallways and corners.   No longer tethered to a human hand, up high they can see much farther than they did before.  …

Soul Changing (hour 5 prompt 5)

The night was dark and quiet When my soul forever changed The stars hung like frosty diamonds When my whole world rearranged I walked all over town that night Mourning all I’d lost I didn’t care if I saw morning’s light I’d have gladly paid…

Under the Umbrellas

As she has done for so many years, she watches from the office window as each umbrella passes on the street below. She plays a game with herself, guessing the lives of each passerby 3:58 Solid black Boring. A businessman who pretends to be well-organized…

A Night To Fight

In a dark starry night, And the stars infinite, The moon was not upright And the shadow, not very bright After the flickering twilight, There was a sunrise. Although the glimpse was slight And the feeling of fright, What I saw was a lovely sight….

4th Grade

She lay on her back Her jacket was too big   Fresh dying leaves on top Rotten dying leaves on bottom   The coming frost bit the end of her nose Her hair tickled her neck The zipper grazed her ear lobe   The branches…

Aria Aria Butterfly

After our first was born we have been dreaming Of little baby girl so dainty yet beaming We often look above and wish upon the stars May God grant us all the desire of our hearts Then finally our dream of baby girl came true…